Department of Mathematics

view from front entrance toward Flowers HallPrograms of Study

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics with Secondary Education in Mathematics


  • Mathematics

Educator Preparation: Secondary Education in Mathematics

Pre-professional Preparation: A strong major to prepare for the professional study of engineering.

  • Mathematics Placement Test (required of students entering in fall 2016 and forward; to complete this test you will need your student code number, provided at New Student Orientation)

Department Chair

Jane Goodson

Program Coordinator

Johnathon Barnett

Numbers in Action

Combine your quantitative skills with training in logic and the clear communication of ideas with a Huntingdon Mathematics major. Get involved through hands-on experiences that include:

  • Huntingdon Mathematics Club.
  • Kappa Mu Epsilon national mathematics honor society—Huntingdon’s chapter active since 1965.
  • Opportunities to attend regional and national conferences.
  • Teacher Candidate clinical experience placements with area schools for those preparing for secondary teaching careers.
  • Internships with area businesses and organizations.

Why Huntingdon?

Through the Applied Mathematics and Mathematics majors, you will acquire a core body of mathematical knowledge, develop your quantitative and analytical skills, and, more broadly, learn to present concise logical arguments in both written and oral form. A degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics is excellent preparation for studies in areas as varied as engineering, economics, medicine, finance, teaching, forensics, actuarial sciences, and law. The flexibility of the requirements at Huntingdon allows you to customize the degree or to combine your coursework with a second major, a minor, or educator preparation coursework to prepare for your postgraduate plans.

Huntingdon Applied Mathematics and Mathematics majors enjoy:

  • Access to a wide range of internship placements, Teacher Candidate clinical experiences, and part-time jobs.
  • Opportunities to add depth to the curriculum through the Hobbs Honors Program.
  • Flexibility of major requirements to add a second major, minor, or educator preparation coursework.
  • A broad liberal arts core curriculum that prepares graduates for a wide range of career possibilities.
  • A “Know and Be Known” atmosphere, where classes are small and faculty are more than academic advisers—they are mentors who can advise you on career possibilities as well as on the pathways to achieve your goals.

Resume-building Experiences

The majors in the Department of Mathematics provide essential skills for success personally and professionally. The Applied Mathematics major focuses on computational mathematics and provides excellent preparation for further study in engineering, actuarial sciences, and other applied mathematics fields. The Mathematics major combines quantitative skills with training in logic, mathematical theory, abstraction, and in the clear communication of ideas. Those who want to teach math at the secondary level major in Mathematics and complete the requirements for secondary educator preparation.

Involvement in such activities as the Mathematics Club, Kappa Mu Epsilon national mathematics honor society, regional and national conferences, work-study experiences, student-faculty research, part-time work, and internships provides vital resume-building experience and application of these skills.

Huntingdon Department of Mathematics graduates have gone on to further study in engineering, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and to careers in many fields of engineering. The Applied Mathematics major, introduced in 2017, is designed to prepare students directly for admission for further study in engineering.


Johnathon Barnett
Grinstead, Lindsay
Dr. Anneliese Spaeth
Dr. Sidney J. Stubbs
Veazey, Lauren
Young, David


Mathematics careers abound in science and industry, finance and economics, and even in sports and entertainment. Mathematics is a fundamental tool for engineering, actuarial science, weather forecasting, industrial quality control, computer network traffic analysis (and automotive traffic analysis, as well), marketing, insurance, opinion polling, virtually every field of science (such as chemistry, archaeology, astronomy, medical research, and geology), animation and special effects, communications, and logistics. In addition, the study of mathematics prepares your mind to approach problems logically and to prepare concise yet thorough arguments to support decisions. For these reasons, Huntingdon Mathematics graduates have entered virtually every career field.

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